Monday, January 23, 2012

Week 2...My Story Continues

This week we were asked to continue our story with a 6 word memoir.  So, here's one of mine!  It is what I have to remind myself everyday to do with life being hurry up and stop.


  1. Love your 6 word memoir I'm embarking on the 52 layers with Kim as well.

  2. Hello class mate! :) Don't you just love this challenge? I think I'm going to do it periodically throughout the year...I see so many possibilities. And I'm with day at a time. Hard to do sometimes, but well worth the effort.


  3. Those are words I try to live by. Life is just way too short not to. This class is going to be wonderful. Glad to meet you.

  4. I love your image and texture work . . . perfect six words to live by. I left a reply about murals on my creative story. Thank you for your comment.

  5. i was so exited to see someone on my blog, Just a new experience to me. I made my blog just a few days ago related to Beyond Layers
    this is a perfect 6 words . I will follow you

  6. A recipe for life - and one I need to hear. Thanks for the encouragement. I visited your other blog/website, too. I am a breast cancer survivor and enjoyed your lively discussion on the recent decision by the Komen foundation. So sorry for the loss of your friend . . . thank goodness for the creative life as an antidote to the struggles of this life.
